Poetics’ Test Post

The Gutenberg (block-level) editor allows for a wide variety of post types and text formats, all managed in simple “blocks” that define what kind of content is shown. The WordPress theme I/we bought has some extra block elements as well, which I’ll show in this page. This, for example is a simple paragraph

Rating: 4 out of 5.

(I give this post 4 stars)

A huge quote for big ideas

Written by me

Alternatively you can have regular, sidebar quotes like this

I also wrote this one

We don’t have any images pre-loaded so there’s only so much I can show on that front, but you can do a single image (including having it appear above, below, or to either side of paragraph text), a slideshow, and more. Did you notice the separator above this paragraph?

We can even embed media from other sites, like this tweet of yours

Heading Blocks are also super easy

And come with a variety of pre-built sizes for different levels of the document

  • Lists are also a big option
  • Either bulleted (like this) or numbered

Anyway, you get the idea. The header image for this post was a random one I grabbed from Pixabay.com, which is a great source for royalty-free stock images. I have disabled comments for this post, which honestly I recommend doing for all posts, just for now. You want the conversations to be on your social media platforms, where they will gain more traction and audience engagement.